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6 Must Have Items In A Rental Car On Road Trip In Uganda

6 Must Have Items In A Rental Car On Road Trip In Uganda

Setting off for a trip to any destination regardless of the distance is just like life itself; you don’t know what will happen in the next one hour or towards the end of the trip. You therefore need to have some items in your rental car as preparation for unforeseen circumstances on the road. This will help you reduce distractions and enjoy a smooth and comfortable road trip to whichever destination you are headed to.

Rent A Driver Uganda takes great pride in organizing guided and self drive trips in Uganda and we strongly advise every client to have the below-mentioned items in a rental car during a road trip.

Medical information & first aid kit

If you have any health difficulties and you are traveling alone or with minors, it is important to travel with your travel information. We always advise that you give us a review of your medical condition before starting your trip so that this will help us in case the passenger or traveler gets into a condition that cannot allow them to talk. Also, whether you are traveling solo, with minors or with family, it is crucial to have a first aid kit in your rental car. This can include items like paracetamol, mercromine, bandages, anti-inflammatory among others.

A copy of the car rental agreement

Insurance and documentation are a must-have when operating a car on the road, regardless of whether it is your personal car or rental car. You are advised therefore not to remove documents of the rental car and also remember to carry the Uganda car rental agreement. Oftentimes, you wll be stopped by traffic officers for traffic control.

A travel map

Don’t ignore hard copy maps because you are sure to use online maps on the phone for sometimes network can get unstable and the phone will not be of help in this case. If you are to self drive Uganda and visit remote areas like national parks and other distant areas , it is common that browsing may be slow, impossible in some areas or get interrupted often due to poor internet network. This is where you pull out your map and proceed with your journey.

Hand sanitizer and face mask

Today, we travel with high vigilance of preventing the spread of Covid-19. For this reason, do not miss having hand sanitizer to repeatedly disinfect your hands every time you visit places that are susceptible to being touched by other people. Make it a habit and a point always to wear a mask when moving in public places.

Emergency contacts

Make a note that includes the most important contact numbers of your people that can be contacted in case of emergency during your self drive trip in Uganda. Also put down the roadside assistance contacts of your car rental agency. It is advisable that these contacts be saved on several things like phone, notebook and sticker.

Spare tire

Do not set off for the trip without a spare tire in your car. There are a number of reasons why a tire may tear, burst or deflate. However much you may not be able to fix it yourself in case of such incidents, at least you will not need to go in for a quick luxury need to purchase a tire.

Planning a self drive or guided road trip in Uganda and you are looking for a rental car that is well equipped? You can get in touch with us by sending an email to or call our reservation team on +256-700135510 / +256 414-699459.


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