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Morning Star Building, Kampala - Entebbe Highway +256 700 135510

The 3 days Murchison Falls Safari takes you to the northwestern region of Uganda to enjoy an amazing wildlife tour. Murchison Falls National Park is the oldest and largest, a popular home to the magical Murchison waterfall which is among the key attractions in this park. The trip offers you a chance to delight in the interesting game drive in the savannahs exploring the park. Expect to encounter beautiful wildlife while on a game drive namely; warthogs, African buffaloes, lions, different types of antelopes, hyenas, Rothschild giraffes, leopards and many more. Enjoy a boat cruise on the Nile River that takes you to the bottom of the wonderful Murchison Falls, catch glimpse of the many colorful bird species, sight fantastic wildlife in large numbers at the shores like the hippos, elephants, crocodiles and many more animals.

The tour offers you an opportunity to enjoy a hike to the top of the falls where you enjoy viewing the eye-catching Murchison waterfalls made as a result of the Nile forcing its waters through a small gorge with rocks. This is experience the most adventurous and interesting endeavor on your safari in this park. After the unforgettable memories, transfer back to your booked lodge, check in, enjoy a delicious dinner and an overnight stay.

Number of people Amount Per person based on accommodation type
Luxury Mid-range Budget
When 2 $840 Per Person $730 Per Person $550 Per Person


Day1: Transfer to Murchison falls National Park from Kampala

After having your delicious breakfast meet and greet your driver guide and start your journey to Murchison Falls National Park. Drive through the busy city, continue to Kampala – Gulu highway and the journey takes you through Nakasongola, the popular Luweero triangle, Masindi town and finally to Murchison Falls National park. On reaching, make a tour to the top of the mighty Murchison falls where you get an opportunity to see the amazing Victoria Nile that forces its way through a narrow gorge with rocks that gives this fall a very impressive outlook. Head to your booked lodge after that awesome adventure for a stay.

Accommodation options- Fort Murchison lodge- mid range, Paraa safari lodge- luxury or Heritage safari lodge- luxury.

Day 2: Game drive and Nile boat cruise

Wake up early in the morning, enjoy a delicious cup of coffee and head out for a dawn game drive taking you through the Nyamsika plateau as you navigate the park, delight in viewing colorful birds and fascinating wildlife like; bush backs, warthogs, elephants, heart-beasts, buffaloes, lions, Uganda kobs, giraffes and many more. After this memorable experience, move to the lodge for late breakfast, lunch and in the afternoon enjoy an incredible boat cruise on the Victoria Nile taking you to the bottom of the falls.

While on the shores watch other beautiful animals like elephants, hippos, crocodiles and many more quenching off their thirst on the shores. Get a chance to sight gorgeous bird species including the Egrets, the rare shoebill stork, pelican bee eater among others. Enjoy recording videos and taking pictures while on the great Murchison falls and later on return to the lodge for an overnight and dinner.

Day 3: Departure from Murchison Falls National Park to Kampala.

Get up at 6 in the morning with you your packed breakfast and set off for an early drive in order to encounter nocturnal animals like hyenas, leopards and many more others before they go back to where they hide during day, delight in exploring Albert and queen game tracks driving and out of the park. As you are heading out Murchison falls national park, enjoy viewing amazing wildlife like jackals, Uganda kobs, giraffes, leopards to mention but a few. Delight in an optional stopover at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary to take a look at the remaining in the country and then proceed to Kampala. On reaching, your driver guide drops you at Entebbe airport to catch up with your booked flight or at your hotel of residence.

End of the tour

Tour inclusive

  • Driver’s allowances
  • Accommodation and meals
  • Transport in a 4×4 private safari car
  • Enroute lunches
  • Visiting the top of Murchison falls
  • Park entry fees
  • All activities included in the itinerary

Optional Rhino tracking at an extra $50

Are you planning to self drive to Murchison falls or travel with a guide, please to don’t hesitate to contact our tour consultants by sending an email on  or call directly on +256-700135510/+256-414699459 to speak to our reservation team.

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