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Morning Star Building, Kampala - Entebbe Highway +256 700 135510

This adventure tour takes tourists to the primate capital of the worldKibale national park for a thrilling encounter with the chimpanzees in their natural habitat. The 3 day Kibale safari features chimpanzee tracking as the star activity but also includes bird watching and guided nature walks. The dense forest jungle is home to over 1400 chimpanzees plus 12 other different primate species that include black & white colobus, blue monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, vervet monkeys, baboons to mention but a few.

Safari Highlights

  • Day 1: Transfer from Kampala to Kibale
  • Day 2: Chimpanzee tracking
  • Day 3: Return to Kampala

Detailed itinerary of Kibale safari

Day 1: Transfer from Kampala to Kibale national park

On day 1 of the safari, the guide picks you up from the airport, or any other location agreed upon and transfers you to the park. From Kampala, the 6 hours journey takes you through major towns of Mityana, Mubende and Kyenjojo then to Fort Portal where you stopover for lunch, enjoy the cool weather and then proceed to Kibale at the lodge.

Dinner and overnight at the lodge

Day 2: Chimpanzee tracking and Bigodi nature walk

Rise up early morning, enjoy your breakfast at the lodge and transfer to Kanyanchu Visitors centre to meet the ranger guide and be briefed about chimp tracking. You will penetrate into the forest with the guidance of the ranger, come across birds of different species, enjoy the silence of the jungle and go on searching for the primates. It is an enjoyable trek as you learn about the forest including how old some of these trees are. And once the chimps are spotted, you all stay with them for a maximum of one hour, then return to the lodge for lunch, rest and later on head for a nature walk in Bigodi swamp. The nature walk allows you to see other wildlife of this nature reserve including monkeys and baboons. The swamp is popularly known for its colorful and impressive bird species, therefore bird lovers enjoy this walk a lot.

Return to the lodge for dinner and the overnight.

Day 3: Return to Kampala

After a quite long relaxation, prepare to leave the lodge and return to Kampala. You will wake up at your leisure and drive back to Kampala.


Safari Price -Based on 2 people sharing room; $450 per person – includes chimpanzee permit

Planning to visit Uganda for a chance to encounter the chimpanzees, you can book a 3 days safari to Kibale forest today simply by sending us an email to or call us now on +256-700135510 to speak with the reservations team

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