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Morning Star Building, Kampala - Entebbe Highway +256 700 135510

A driver or chauffeur is a person hired to drive a passenger vehicle from one pit to another and as such is an individual who can decide the success or failure of a road trip. You wont have to worry about getting lost, replacing a tyre, fixing a complicated mechanical issue  or even falling victim ot local fraudsters as you have  persona guide as your driver.

Rent A Driver  Uganda has team of well trained drivers with adequate knowledge about the destinations, culture, wildlife and attractions, among our devoted Ugandan drivers is Mugerwa Medi; one of our most trusted and reliable drivers for hire in Uganda over the past 5 years.

Planning a private road trip in Uganda on business or leisure holiday and require the services of a professional driver, here are some reasons why you should hire Mugerwa over others.

1- God Fearing driver – Mr Meddi is a strong Muslim believer which has made him one of the most trusted drivers on the Mumwe team. His devotion to driving is only surpassed by his strong faith in the Almighty Allah. OInce you travel with Medi, just you know you are in safe hands of both Medi and God above.

2- Experience – The level of experience is very important when it comes to driving cars and travelling destinations. The more you know about the car’s condition and background information about destinations, then the easier it will be get there. Mugerwa has over 12 years experience in the travel business making him one of the top savy drivers in Uganda.

3- Car Knowledge –   Mugerwa Medi trained driving at the Prestige driving school in Kampala shaping him with  mechanical and car-body knowledge hence you don’t have to worry about getting stuck on the highway or having to call in for a replacement when you hire Mugerwa as your personal driver for you trip in Uganda.

4- Well groomed – We all want to be driven by a well dressed and uniform looking person not by a guy wearing casually , it shows respect to the client and sends out a message to the onlookers that the client is a very important person. Mugerwa has been known to always be tidy all the way from the head to toes , always fresh and ready for the next journey.

5- Respects traffic signs – One of the most important factor that makes a great driver is always being able to respect the traffic road signs no matter what condition it is. Strict observation of traffic signs not only saves lives & reduces accident risks but also saves money as you wont be fined by the traffic police. Mugerwa has one of the cleanest traffic records  because he’s always driving at steady speed , rarely overtakes, doesn’t overload, respects the traffic lights as well as pedestrians and other road users.

6- Obedient & Friendly – Another unique characteristic about Mugerwa is his humble being , a person who is very obedient and knows how to balance between conversing and shutting up during a road trip. His friendly smile is so welcoming you will feel right at home when you are in his hands.

There are plenty of other reasons why you should hire Mugerwa Meddi as you personal driver in Uganda this season but the above 6 should give a small insight into who he really is and why you should choose him over the others. To book any of our drivers online, simply get in touch with us by sending an email to or call us now on +256-700135510 to speak with the reservations team.

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